How to work with activity feed?
Activity feed is one of dashboard widgets. It displays your recent activity within selected Workspace.

- (1) - Here you can see latest activity in Workspace (from newest to oldest)
- (2) - You can switch do "daily" view, where you can explore activities for selected date.
- (3) - If documents or tasks are present, the link to it has a blue color - you can click it to quick open selected document
- (4) - some links may be inactive (gray) - in this case documents weren't found in repository, so you can't click it.
- (5) - You can log your custom events that happens during your work day (use shift+enter to add new line to note). Then you can switch do "daily view" (2) and for example report your custom events on daily team meetings.
- (6) - You can also edit or remove your custom events.